Award-winning author Ellen Carney, born and reared in a small Idaho town, has visited nearly all the states in the U.S. and lived in most of those in the West. She received a bachelor’s degree from the University of Arizona, and a master’s from the University of Utah. A revered newspaper columnist and author, her 14 books, mostly historical, reflect her deep love of the West. Ellen’s books have won state and national awards. Carney has sold nearly 12,000 copies of Ellis Kackley: Best Damn Doctor in the West.
Mother George: The Midwife Who Shocked Grays Lake
A page-turning historical novel based by guest author Lee Cantwell on the life of a beloved black midwife who delivered many children both black and white in southeastern Idaho during and after the gold rush on Caribou Mountain in that state. When Mother George died and they were dressing her for burial, they found out she was a man. 358 pages "I could not put this book down." ––Author Ellen Carney Paperback 978-1-6092101-0-6 |
Prepared, not Scared
(Non-fiction) 202 pages Gives tips on making your family plan and 72 hour kit. Lists basic emergencies one might have to deal with. Includes check lists of what to do before, during, and after each one. Illustrated by award-winning author-illustrator Martha Sears West. Paperback 978-0-9793445-4-1 |
The Oregon Trail: Ruts Rogues and Reminiscences
(Non-fiction) Take a look at not only experiences of white male emigrants, mountain men & early explorers, but also at experiences of women, blacks, the various Indian tribes emigrants would meet along the Oregon Trail, bad men & fast buck artists. |